Sunday, June 24, 2012

His career has no highlights, THEY SAID

    Fastest liverpool player to 50 league goals
      Spain' man of the match in Euro 2008 final
        World Cup winner 2010
           Champion League 2012 winner
              FA Cup 2012 winner
                 Euro 2012 winner and scored a goal,
                                              THEY NEVER SAID

Torres' quotes

"I always live in the present. I never dream about what might happen. Why? It might not."

"I knew I was an idol for the fans but it wasn't the same anymore. The institution was in chaos with the sale. There was all this talk of possible projects. In many ways it reminded me of Atletico Madrid. A great history, many ideas but without money, it needed time. I don't have that. People aren't honest in the world of football. You can't stay the truth or be clear with people. It's a business and nobody is anyone's friend."

"I don't know what to say about myself. I don't know myself (laughs). People say my humility but I believe we're all humble in our own way. I try to stay close to my family and friends."

"All you get at this club for them. They have given me the strength when I was lacking it, they have exited me when I was sunk, they have shown why I have to be proud of being a Chelsea player. I have nothing but gratitude for them. Heartfelt thanks. My desire is to come back with more celebrations."

"If football was a drug, I would have died from overdose."

"If you think about giving up, remember why you hold on so long."

ps: this post will be updated if there are additional quote from Fernando Torres. Stay tuned :)

Vamos España :D

yip yip!!! Congratulation La Furia Roja!! yuhuuuuu~
kemarin SPANYOL MENANG doooooong~ kurang kece apa coba ish :D well, gue berhasil nonton pertandingannya full time. repeat. FULL TIME. ngiahahaha jarang jarang kan-_- yaa curhat dikit biasanya gue cuma nonton babak kedua atau 15 menit terakhir-__-" gue emang udah niat bgt nonton, so gue pasang alarm dan lucky me! gue berhasil bangun 15 menit sebelum alarm nyala. Sakti banget kan gue B) oke lanjut. ntah kenapa gue yakin bgt kalo Torres gak starting, dan entah kenapa juga gue rela rela aja-_-
TERNYATA, dugaan gue bener. Suami gue yg kece bgt itu ga starting dan lagi lagi harus bergantung sama Fabregas ataupun Silva. Shit. Kenapa ga Llorente aja hahh?! KENAPA?! oke stop.
permainannya ngebosenin bgt deh sumpah gaboong, ini ga lebay. Spanyol cuma ngoper bola gajelas tanpa ngelakuin penyerangan. Perancis juga ga niat banget ngerebut bola dari Spanyol. Bener bener flat.
Nah pas gol pertama menit ke-19, itu gue benerbener ganyangka bakal gol. repeat. GANYANGKA. okey ganyangka. hm assist dari siapa gitu gue lupa, dengan super beruntung, Xabi Alonso-re: profilnya bisa dibaca di post gue yg 5 handsome football players-nyundul bola operannya Jordi Alba (kalo gasalah) dan.....GOOOOOOOOOOOL.
gila-_- gue mau teriak tapi takut satu rumah kebangun alhasil gue cuma mangap2 dan mengayun2kan tangan gue kesenengan. akhirnya. tapiiiii, tetep aja Fabregas sama Silva ga guna kan-_- Well mungkin Bosque-re: pelatih Spanyol-juga setuju sama jalan pikiran gue, karna sering miss operan bola dan gabisa ngasih pass yg enak buat rekannya, Fabregas diganti di menit 66 sama TORRES. repeat. TORRES. Hell yeah.
okey, permainan tetep membosankan. Torres buang buang bola, males ngejar bola dan cuma marah marah doang. gue sebel sama Torres buat waktu itu doang. He even didn't create a chance to make a goal. sh*t.
terus terus terus...permainan membosankan kembali berlanjut. oper bola. out. lempar bola. out. oper bola ke kiper. oper bola lagi. out. begitu seterusnya. percuma deh gue nonton-_- menit ke 80 Torres udah mau ngegolin tapi offside. repeat. OFFSIDE. ngeselin bgt gak sih isssh-_________-"
nah yaudah tuh menit 87 si Pedro dimanin. wait sebelum bahas gue punya pertanyaan penting. Kalo Pedro nomor punggungnya 7..DAVID VILLA PAKE NOMOR PUNGGUNG BERAPA?????! yg bisa jawab gue kasih mobil. gadeng. pengen bgt? :| oke lanjut. menit 87 si Pedro dijatohin sama Reveillere di kotak pinalti. wuih gue udah seneng tuh, berarti kan dapet pinalti, nah pasti Torres yg ngambil pinaltinya :)
Ternyata oh ternyata. hancur semua impian gue. Torres gak ngambil pinalti tapi Alonso yg pinalti. man. kill me now. Gue udah gangerti lagiiii T_T sedih bgt sih tapi....deg deg deg....GOOOOOOL!! Xabi Alonso make it two!!! yuhuuu~ byebye France :) dan hasil tetep bertahan sampe wasit niup peluit. antara seneng dan sedih. well, not bad lah. yang penting LA FURIA ROJA GOES TO QUARTER-FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *beer* nah ini dia foto match-nya! Enjoy guyyyys :D

gol Alonso menit ke-19

Alonso selebrasi habis gol lewat pinalti

OWKAY! Segitu aja yaaa, thankyou thankyouuu! VIVA LA FURIA ROJA!!! :D


Thursday, June 21, 2012


okeee guys, selanjutnya adalah trophy yg pernah diraih Chelsea. Well ga terlalu banyak kayak klub tetangga sebelah sih daaaaaaan kita ngeraihnya juga ga terlalu meniti karir semacam instan gitu tapi ga instan bgt ah menurut gue-_- ya gapapa lah-_- sooo~ enjoy~

1. Youth Cup
Chelsea meraih trophy ini empat kali, tahun 1960, 1961, 2010 Chelsea 3-2 Aston Villa, 2012 Chelsea 4-1 Blackburn.

2. Charity Shield
Chelsea meraih trophy ini dua kali, tahun 1955 Chelsea 3-0 Newcastle United dan tahun 2000 Chelsea 2-0 Manchester United.

3. Community Shield
Chelsea meraih trophy ini dua kali juga. Tahun 2005 Chelsea 2-1 Arsenal dan tahun 2009 Chelsea 2-2 Manchester United (pen 4-1).

4. League Cup
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini empat kali. Tahun 1965 Chelsea 3-2 Leicester, 1998 Chelsea 2-0 Middlesbrough, 2005 Chelsea 3-2 Liverpool, 2007 Chelsea 2-1 Arsenal.

5. Super Cup
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini cuma satu kali tahun 1998 Chelsea 1-0 Real Madrid

6. Cup Winner's Cup
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini dua kali tahun 1971 Chelsea 2-1 Real Madrid dan 1998 Chelsea 1-0 Stuttgart.

7. FA Cup
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini tujuh kali. Tahun 1970 Chelsea 2-1 Leeds. Tahun 1997 Chelsea 2-0 Middlesbrough. Tahun 2000 Chelsea 1-0 Aston Villa. Tahun 2007 Chelsea 1-0 Manchester United. Tahun 2009 Chelsea 2-1 Everton. Tahun 2010 Chelsea 1-0 Portsmouth. Tahun 2012 Chelsea 2-1 Liverpool.

8. League Title
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini satu kali, periode tahun 1954/55 dengan perolehan poin 52 dari 42 permainan.

9. League Title
Chelsea pernah meraih trophy ini tiga kali. Periode tahun 2004/05 dengan poin 95 dari 38 permainan. Tahun 2005/06 dengan poin 91 dari 38 permainan. Tahun 2009/10 dengan poin 86 dari 38 permainan.

10. UEFA Champions League
Nahhhh ini dia yg masih baruuuu bgt. Chelsea meraih trophy ini tahun 2012 Chelsea 1-1 Bayern Munich (pen 4-3).

Nah itu dia trophy yg pernah Chelsea raih. sedikit yaaa? ahahaha enjoy lah~ btw ini semua gue kutip dari website resmi Chelsea yaa~ happy reading :-)



Berhubung gue fans baru Chelsea, well baru 4tahun gue jadi fans Chelsea dan baru akhir-akhir ini aktifnya gue selalu mengisi waktu luang gue dengan membaca sejarah Chelsea, beberapa gue inget beberapa gue lupa sama sekali-_- yaaa ga semua detail Chelsea lah gue hafalin, capek kalo semuanya-_- well, mungkin harus dimulai dengen para legenda Chelsea. gue kutip ini dari website resmi Chelsea. so, ini dia beberapa legenda Chelsea :

  1. Roy Bentley
  2. Frank Blunstone
  3. Peter Bonetti
  4. Steve Clarke
  5. Charlie Cooke
  6. Carlo Cudicini
  7. Marcel Desailly
  8. Roberto Di Matteo
  9. Kerry Dixon
  10. Tore Andro Flo
  11. William 'Fatty' Foulke
  12. Hughie Gallacher
  13. Ed De Goey
  14. Jimmy Greaves
  15. Ruud Gullit
  16. Eidur Gudjohnsen
  17. Ron Harris
  18. Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink
  19. George Hilsdon
  20. Mark Hughes
  21. Graeme Le Saux
  22. Frank Leboeuf
  23. Claude Makelele
  24. George Mills
  25. Pat Nevin
  26. Eddie Niedzwiecki
  27. Peter Osgood
  28. Dan Petrescu
  29. Gustavo Poyet
  30. Arjen Robben
  31. Peter Sillett
  32. Bobby Tambling
  33. Terry Venables
  34. Gianluca Vialli
  35. Clive Walker
  36. David Webb
  37. Ray Wilkins
  38. Dennis Wise
  39. Gianfranco Zola
Nah itu dia beberapa pemain legenda-nya. beberapa dari mereka gue baca deh tuh wikipedia-nya trus gue searching foto terbaru mereka. udah jadi kakek-kakek semua! hihihi-_- okelah, sukses terus buat legenda legenda Chelsea! we're proud of you! we always are:D annnnnd KEEP THE BLUE FLAG FLYING HIGH!! :D


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Who's Didi???! siapa pat siapa???! ngahahahaha Didi itu adalah....DIDIER DROGBA! B) why Didi? karna itu panggilan sayang gue buat papa gue yg satu ini-_- seperti yg kalian tau, kontrak Didi di Chelsea FC udah abis dan pihak Chelsea gamau memperpanjang kontrak dengan alasan faktor usia dan memberi kesempatan Torres untuk bersinar. Waktu itu gue gaterima, sedih dan yah gimana gitu, kalian tau Didi ini udah berpengaruh banyak dari setiap trophy yg Chelsea dapet, ya masa ga diperpanjang kontraknya?-_- tapi setelah gue liat interview dia yang say thanks buat supporter Chelsea, gue jadi berpikir lagi. mungkin keputusan Chelsea ngelepas Didi bener juga hm:) interview-nya bisa kalian liat disini
Dan sekarang Didi resmi bergabung sama klub di China yaitu Shanghai Shenhua yang sebelumnya juga mendapatkan Anelka. Mereka berdua gratis loh buat Shanghai Shenhua...lucky bgt ya. Anelka gratis, Didi gratis, nanti Lampard gratis Terry gratis Cole gratis HUAAAA I'm so fucking stressed because of it-_-" owkah! pokoknya goodluck in your new club, papa Didi and thanks for the sweet memories. you said, that will be something in our heart and blue will always be our blood and our heart. Agreed.
hhh tuhkan jadi sedih lagi-_- okelah gapapa, Didi selalu di hati fans Chelsea :)



BYEBYE DIDI :) :* ({})


HEY GUYSSS! Mungkin gue telat sehari ngepost ini, maklum nih sibuk hehehe-_-" kemaren itu tepatnya tanggal 20 Juni yang berarti....FRANK LAMPARD BIRTHDAY! yeay! *beer* owkah, seperti biasa gue mau ngasih biodata singkatnya Lampard.

Pemain nomor 8 ini posisinya sebagai gelandang serang tapi bisa juga gelandang tengah dan tentunya bermain untuk Chelsea FC dong;;) Lampard lahir di Romford, London, Inggris, 20 Juni 1978, dan dia memiliki tinggi yang sangat tinggi dibanding gue...T_T yap! 184cm :O
Super Frank-julukan dari fans-pernah main buat West Ham United dari tahun 1995-2001 tapi sempet dipinjemin ke Swansea City pas tahun 1995-1996 dan terakhir dia pindah ke Chelsea sampe sekarang! huooo~ kalo ditanya prestasi?! widiiih gausah ditanya lah, mau prestasi pas bareng club atau prestasi individu, dia punya banyaaaaaaaaaaak bgt prestasi-_-
OWKAY guys! Let's sing, pray, and have a party for him <=P

Happy Birthday to youuu, happy birthday to you, happy birthdaaaaaay happy birthdaaaaay.. happy birthday tooooooooo youuuuuu~
Longlive&have a wonderful career at Chelsea, be a good father for Ellen&Luna, so wish you all the best aaaaand stay blue&shining papa! much love and support from Indonesia! :* ({})
ps: kali ini gaada edit foto yee ngahahaha-_-v


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The Chelsea striker has netted 30 goals for his country in 22 different matches and all have ended in victory since his first international strike in a draw with Italy in 2004

By Alberto Pinero

Spain took an important step towards the quarter-finals of Euro 2012 on Thursday with their 4-0 win over Republic of Ireland. In their first match, against Italy, La Roja left doubts with a performance which failed to convince as Cesc Fabregas started in the false-nine role. But in their second game, with Fernando Torres spearheading the attack, Spain found their form with a performance packed with clever combinations, passing, possesion and, more importantly, goals.

In their opening fixture, coach Vicente del Bosque began without a recognised striker and was bombarded with criticism afterwards, even though Fabregas, taking on the false nine role, scored the side's only goal to cancel out Antonio Di Natale's strike minutes earlier. Torres came on as a substitute with 16 minutes remaining but was unable to win it for Spain, despite two great chances late in the game. Against Ireland, however, his two goals proved crucial - particularly the first after just four minutes.

Torres was named Man of the Match by Uefa and with his second, became the third-highest goalscorer in the history of La Roja, with 30 goals. He had earlier equalled the 29 set by Fernando Hierro and is now behind only currently-injured Spain team-mate David Villa (51) and former international colleague Raul (44).

And the 28-year-old, who scored the only goal in the final of Euro 2008 when Spain beat Germany to end their 44-year trophy drought with victory in Austria and Switzerland, has become something of a lucky charm for La Roja, having never ended on the losing side when he nets for his country. 

Indeed, he has virtually always been a victor when he scores: Spain have won all of the last 21 games in which Torres has registered. The only occasion in which La Roja failed to win when 'El Nino' was on target was against Italy in Genoa in 2004 - Fernando's first goal for his country.

Happy Reading! :-)


hey hey you you~ for your info aja, beberapa dari post di blog gue ini gue kutip dari beberapa artikel di Internet. so, thankyou very much buat para narasumber narasumber yang udah ngebuat blog gue agak sedikit bermutu. Narasumbernya ada dari Tumblr, TorresUpdate,, dan dari mana mana deh pokoknya hehe jadi gak semuanya gue yg bikin. ga kreatif ya? haha biarin lah, blog gue ini-_-"


   Belgium 0-2 Spain - October 8, 2005   
Torres had just one Spain goal to his name prior to the World Cup qualifiers but hit seven in 11 games to end as Spain's top goalscroer en route to Germany, including both in a vital win in Belgium.

    Germany 0-1 Spain - June 29, 2008  
El Nino netted the only goal of the final in the absence of the injured David Villa as he ran on to Xavi's pass and lofted a clever shot over Jens Lehmann and give La Roja a first trophy in 44 years.

 Spain 4-0 Ireland - June 14, 2012  
Torres was back in the side after starting Euro 2012 on the bench and scored twice - including an important first - as Spain thrashed Ireland. The double saw him move to third in the list of all-time goalscorers for La Roja.

Among those 30 goals, there have been two hat-tricks, against San Marino and New Zealand, with the latter coming in the 2009 Confederations Cup in just 17 minutes, making it the fastest triple in the history of La Roja. He has also hit five doubles, including an important brace against Belgium in qualification for the 2006 World Cup, and scored just one in 14 separate occasions.

Italy, San Marino, China, Belgium, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine, Tunisia, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Sweden, Germany, Chile, Azerbaijan, New Zealand, Macedonia, Poland, United States, South Korea and now Ireland have all been his victims, with the most important goal of all coming in the final of Euro 2008 against Joachim Low's side.

So Spain fans will now hope there are more similarly important strikes on the way - and that Torres can be their talisman once again in the latter stages of Euro 2012.

Happy Reading! :-)


The Spaniard has conceded that during the dark moments in his playing career, he stopped loving the game and explains the importance of being dropped against Venezuela.

Spain striker Fernando Torres has admitted that he lost his passion for playing football after enduring the toughest period of his career when he struggled for form after moving to Chelsea from Liverpool.
The 28-year-old silenced his critics by scoring a brilliant double in his country's 4-0 demolition of Republic of Ireland on Wednesday night, but revealed how being omitted by national team coach Vicente del Bosque for a friendly encounter in February became a turning point.

"Del Bosque phoned me before dropping me for the Venezuela friendly and I fully understood [his reasons]," he told The Sun.

"I had lost some of my love for being at work.
"Being picked for Spain had become a habit. Now it is a prize again. I had stopped setting an example to younger players, which is something I was taught to do at Atletico Madrid.

The former Liverpool and Atleti striker could not hide his delight at scoring his first major tournament goals since netting the winner in the Euro 2008 final.

"I was pleased with my personal performance and very happy to have scored but I’m mainly happy because the team won," he beamed.

"We're confident now because we feel as strong as ever, because we played well. We have to keep playing like this.

"We knew scoring early would set us up well. We needed the comfort that brought us. That got rid of the doubts and opened up the game."

Saturday, June 16, 2012


We’ve been in this situation before – Fernando Torres scores a couple of goals and suddenly all of the bad things that have happened to Fernando Torres over the last couple of years are forgotten. A brace in Spain’s 4-0 win over Ireland still doesn’t mean Torres is back among the best strikers in the world.
A little background – Fernando Torres was a good Spanish league striker, building up his legend with his youth club Atletico Madrid. He scored 82 goals in 214 matches for Atletico, leaving after the 2006-2007 season to Liverpool, paying £20 million pounds for the 23 year old.
His Liverpool career? His first season was sensational. Torres proved a lot of doubters that the English game – the pace, the physicality and everything that goes along with it simply suit him perfectly, scoring 24 goals in 33 matches for Rafa Benitez. The next year? When he played he was fantastic, adding another 14 league goals, playing in only 24 matches. Liverpool finished only 4 points behind champions Manchester United. A bit more Torres, and it might have been different.
Next Season? Liverpool begin to fall, as both Gerrard and Torres miss too much. Torres still scores whenever he’s on the pitch, finishing with 18 goals in only 22 matches. The next season starts terribly for everyone under Roy Hodgson, but Torres does relatively well for a club struggling to score, putting in another nine goals in 23 matches. Then comes the huge move to Chelsea, making Torres the most expensive player in the Premier League.

In between there’s the 2010 World Cup. Torres was the hero of the 2008 Euro, scoring the winning goal for Spain in their Final against Germany, signaling the beginning of their reign in European and global football. The World Cup was completely different. After missing half a season due to his injury, Torres lack the speed and sharpness usually attributed to him, failing to score a goal in the entire tournament, with Spain winning anyway.
Back to England. The £50 million price tag proved too much for Torres, along with other problems Chelsea were experiencing. Only one goal in his first 14 matches. Only six goals in the next 32. A change of managers, a loss of faith from those in charge, Torres became a sub that gets a lot of praise just for showing up. Goals? Suddenly they became this rare bonus. Something people were actually surprised to see from him.
Still, he played rather well, scoring or not, for Chelsea under Roberto Di Matteo, winning him a place in Spanish squad eventually. Most importantly – His confidence was back. Just a few months earlier he was too afraid to take a penalty kick in a FA Cup match. Since then he found his rhythm and hunger for the game again. He wasn’t included among the Chelsea kickers in the Champions League final, and was furious with RDM’s decision to exclude him. He went and got assurances from the club that he’s a big part of their plans next season.

Del Bosque may have called him up to the Euro, but that doesn’t mean he fully believed in him. He preferred playing with six midfielders, as Cesc Fabregas posed to be the striker, which didn’t work too well against Italy. Fabregas did score, but Spain were much more dangerous when Torres was on the pitch for 16 minutes. He missed two big chances, with the usual too-strong-of-a-first-touch disease coming back to haunt him. Still, it showed Del Bosque needs a true striker on the pitch.
So he went with Torres against Ireland. Did it pay off? With dividends. Torres scored twice – the second off a wonderful through pass from David Silva, the first after only four minutes of play with some tenacity and box-wit we haven’t seen from Torres in a long time.
But it’s still too early to say Torres is back. Two years of bad karma and matches don’t just disappear. Look at Tiger Woods and how the insanity around his attempts to win a major keep pushing him back down after every small sign of progress. Ireland may just be the weakest team in this tournament. Torres faced one of the weakest defenses he’ll tackle this summer. He was far from perfect with plenty of his touches, and a player in better shape might have finished with four goals on the night.
Spain themselves should also be cautious of over celebrating. Ireland were no match, while Italy made life very difficult at times, also exposing the Spanish problems in their defense. Teams don’t get beyond the perfect Spanish midfield that often, but when they do, there’s plenty to exploit. Better teams then Ireland, like Croatia, may just show that the World Champions aren’t that perfect.


Fernando Torres scores two against a weak Irish defence and many supporters believe he's back in form. Is it another false alarm?

When Fernando Torres slammed in an unstoppable shot into the roof of the net past a hapless Shay Given for his first goal in Spain’s 4-0 win over the Republic of Ireland, it was clear that the striker had come out with an intent to prove his critics wrong and that he meant business.
In the second half, Torres chased down on David Silva’s through ball, fended off a sliding Richard Dunne tackle and put the ball into the net for Spain’s third goal, old memories came flooding back. The old Torres seemed to be back. And no one misses David Villa any more — at least for now.
But the real question still stands. Has the old Fernando Torres returned with his lethal finishing or will he again go into a slump and lose his touch like he has been doing since his move to Chelsea over a year ago?

Re-gaining his goal scoring touch?

When he had opened his scoring for the Blues against West Ham back in April last year, many believed he had settled in. But he did not. A goal against Manchester United in the next season in September followed by the miss of the season did nothing good to his confidence. A goal against Swansea followed by a stupid red card dashed all hopes of returning to form.
October saw a clash against Genk in Champions League where Torres scored a brace. On a perfect day he would have got his hat trick, despite facing a weak defence. Thereafter the dry spell in front of the goal once again continued.
In 2012 though, Torres looked fresh. Things looked on the up for ‘El Nino’.  A double against Leicester City in the quarters of FA Cup and finally an elusive hat-trick against QPR seemed to give enough evidence that he was indeed coming back to life.
Each time he scored, though that wasn't very often, there was a hope that the bad days were behind him and that he has finally settled at Stamford Bridge. Stats would show that most of his goals have come against weaker teams and becomes static, at times lost and it looks like he has not touched the ball in years when called upon from bench to make an impression.

A happy Torres is a happy Spain

He did manage to equalise for Chelsea at Camp Nou in the Champions League but wasn't part of the starting XI against Bayern Munich in the final - which he later described as one of the "worst" days in his career. In case you missed it, it was Torres who won the corner from which Didier Drogba scored which took the game to extra-time and thereafter penalties. 

He was surprisingly included in the squad for Euro 2012 by Del Bosque and did score in the friendlies ahead of the mega tournament. Del Bosque choosing the false nine tactics instead of having a striker in the team saw Torres being absent from the first team. However he did manage to impress during his stay on the pitch against Italy in spite missing a couple of decent chances. He managed to get behind the Italian backline and created spaces for himself. Just the final goal scoring touch was eluding him. 

Given that Republic of Ireland had one of the weakest defences in the competition, Del Bosque saw this as an opportunity to allow Torres to regain his confidence in front of goal and boy, he didn't disappoint.
Torres is raring to run at defenders, raring to pounce on loose balls and impatient in his quest for some praise after a dreadful one and a half years, which saw him goalless after 903 minutes of football.
Del Bosque is sure to have selection problems ahead of his team’s tie against Croatia about whether to start both Torres and Fabregas together or leave one out.
Torres may have scored against a weak and hapless Irish defence, but Spain will not complain about having a "happy Torres" score for them. There is little doubt that a happy Torres is a happy Spain.
The real test will come for him when his team face tougher tests as the competition progresses. For now, it is safe to say that Torres does look in his top form and for the sake of Spanish supporters, one hopes that this is not a FALSE DAWN..!!

Time will tell..


KENAPA? ADA APA???? *apasih pat-_-
HUALAAAAA, guys! berita yang sangat mengejutkan! beberapa hari yang lalu gue lagi on twitter dan ngestalk salah satu twitter fanpage Torres yaitu @Torres_ID dan gue sangat kaget! seriously, gue kaget beneran. Si Torres_ID ini ngetweet "Buka dan cari berita ttg Torres di halaman pertama --->" nah berhubung gue gapake paket full, ya gue capture it aja. trus malemnya gue on pc dan ngebuka itu link..ternyata oh ternyataaaaa :O :O hm lo baca sendiri aja deh biar penasaran hihihi :$ baca disini aja yah huehuehue :P happy reading guys :-)



Ladieeeessss!! bagi kalian yang merupakan fashionista, wuiiiih tepat bgt nih. Gue berbisnis online shop sekarang! gue jual baju baju lucu kayak cropped tee mulai dari fringe, basic concave dan berbagai jenis cropped tee, baju atasan yg resmi ataupun yg santai buat jalan, mini dress, blazer, baju outer, gamis, rok lucu, hotpants, celana panjang jeans atau apapun jenisnya, sepatu sepatu lucu buat jalan, earrings, necklace, bracelet, dompet, tas lucu, yah well kayaknya hampir semua gue jual-_- buat gambar, info harga, pemesanan kalian bisa mention gue di twitter @patriciaft9 nanti gue kasih nomor atau pin bb gue. bagi yang berminat aja yaaa :D thanks before :-)


Friday, June 15, 2012

untitled (6)

I miss the old him.
who always worried when I'm not reply his message.
who always asked if I had eaten or not
who never got bored to listen all my unimportant stories
who always be there when I cry
who always paused his game to reply my message
who always attached importance to me than anyone
who always got mad when I hurt myself
who always got mad when I drink lot of coffee and playing in the rain
who always asked "what are you doing now?"
who always remind me to study and never give up when I wanted to do something
who always said that he wanted to stay close to me
who never let me go
who always called me on the phone when I'm alone
who always accompany me to watching soccer
who always waiting for me faithfully when I go to somewhere
who always remind me to pray
who always text me super duper lovely goodnight
who always used sweet emoticons in his message
who said that his love me for once
who went to the playground to accompany me even though he tired
who always tried to bought me snacks or ice cream although it never works
who always greet me first
who always care to me
but, he never did it again and I really miss it so damn much. I cant't understand our relationship. Sometimes I feel like we're friends, sometimes I feel like we're more than friends, but sometimes I feel like I'm just a stranger to him. HUAAAAAA those feelings are so random :'(

untitled (5)

For your information aja guys, mulai hari ini account twitter gue yg @patriciaaft resmi di deact. KENAPA PAT KENAPAAAA?!!! (-_-) well, gatau kenapa gue gaberniat sama sekali ngurusin acc @patriciaaft lagi. yah well, gue on paling buat ngestalk temen2-_- lagipula gue udah punya second acc, yaituuuu @patriciaft9 ga jauh jauh ya-_-" JANGAN LUPA!! nih gue spell ya, AT PATRICIA FT SEMBILAN. well gue jelasin patriciaft itu adalah patricia fernando torres dan di acc @patriciaft9 ini gue merasa bebas aja gitu mau ngetweet galau atau nyindir atau gajelas atau nyampah sekalipun-_- karna emang gue ga follow siapa2, abisnya kalo gue ngetweet nyindir/galau di acc gue yg @patriciaaft adaaaaaa aja yg gasuka. nah maka dari itu gue lebih prefer ke second acc gue. bukan berarti gue ngebacot terus di second acc ini ya-_-" kalian kalo mau follow gapapa kokk, boleh boleh aja~ nanti mention aja kalo mau follback :-) okaaaaay segitu aja deh hehe, makasih ya :D


Thursday, June 14, 2012


HUALA!!! tadi pagi Furia Roja tanding lawan Irlandia loh~ dan tebak apaaaaaa?;;) EL NINO GOALIN DUA KALI BRO!!! >< mungkin lo berpikir, yaelah lebay bgtsih, Messi aja hattrick berkali-kali biasa aja...itu menurut lo bro :) lo pasti tau Torres lagi ngalamin masa paceklik goal. dan gue rasa dia mulai berusaha buat ngeakhirin masa itu, perlahan-lahan dia mulai membaik performa-nya yah well meskipun ga selalu cetak goal, tapi lumayan lah. permainan dia berpengaruh buat kemenangan tim:) SIALNYA, gue ga nonton huhuhu T_T sebenernya gue udah bangun jam 2, tapi entah kenapa......gue tidur lagi-_- bodoh bgt ahelah T_T yg bikin sebel, kakak gue malah nonton!! D: tau ah yg penting Furia Roja menang-_- nah sekalian mau share foto match tadi pagi, check it out! :D

sekiaaaan! maaf ya kalo gapenting dan fotonya Torres semua huehuehue-_-v happy reading :-)


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


mungkin kalian gatau artinya apa..HAHAHA atau mungkin kalian taunya pns itu pegawai negeri sipil?-_- hahahahaha okeylah, pns itu adalah...jengjeeeeng....PatriciaNadhiraSyifa!! yeaaaaay :\
hm gue terinspirasi untuk membalas post Nadhira tentang manusia absurd well kalian bisa baca disini. gue agak ga setuju ya ketika Nadhira bilang kalau dirinya yg paling ego, semua manusia itu pintar nad :) *sok bijak* well gue mau ngeshare bagaimana kita bisa menjadi sangat deket gakya...:/

welcome to 41 Junior High School, Patricia! :D yap! gue adalah anak baru pindahan di 41. ketika itu gue cuma kenal Netta, secara dia temen sd gue-_- nah udah dah tuh semua org musuhin gue entah knp. dan Nadhira pernah cerita kalo kelas 7 dia juga sebel sama gue karna.....dia juga gatau karna apa-____- well, 6bulan blm cukup mempertemukan dan membuat gue dan Nadhira jadi deket.
we're BLACKLIST!!! bukan blacklist yg dimaksud, diblacklist sama guru karna perbuatan kita di sekolah-_- tapi nama kelas gue pas kelas 8 adalah 8lacklist. kece yaaaa, yg nyaranin namanya si ketua kelas, Ikhsan Lintang Ramadhan si tukang galau. NAAAAAH gue mulai sedikit (beneran sedikit bgt) deket sama Nadhira. well kita sering bercanda2 bareng tapi ga sering :|
gue dimusuhin sama geng gue...ada lah pokoknya-_- dan gue mulai deket sama gengnya Nadhira gitu deh. mereka baik baik dan idiot semua-_____-V nah udah deh tuh gue beneran deket sama Nadhira. wuih Nadhira kece dah pokoknya. tapi Nadhira sempet jujur ke gue, bilang kalo dia gasuka sama gue garagara gue selalu teriak2-_- maap ye nad-.- daaaaaaan gue juga udah mulai deket sama varentia, novia, syifa dan firhan. tadinya gue deket sama tia&firhan doang tuh...tapi lamalama kenapa gue nyasar ke syifa ye-_- nah kelas 8 semester 2 ini adalah yg paling bersejarah. gue, nadhira dan syifa mulai bersatu. yah well meskipun blm akrab bgt tapi kita udah mulai barengbareng, udah mulai cerita/curhat dan semacamnya.
wuiiiih gausah diceritain. kita udah kayak, pohon bersama akar dan ranting2nya:) *apasih pat-_-* kita kemana2 bertiga gituuuu~ gue comfort bgt temenan sama gakdeng nanti mereka ngefly kalo baca:/ kita sering teriak2 gajelas, ketawa2 gajelas, melakukan hal yg gajelas bersamasama. kita juga sering ke kolam ikan O:) -_- tapi kita sempet pecah gitu, garagara hm Nadhira sempet ngejauh dari gue&syifa, gue sempet berantem karna syifa tapi kita baikan pas pelantikan jabatan yah:") trus gue sempet berantem dengan Nadhira, dan gue sempet meninggalkan mereka berdua demi seorang cowok ga berguna yg bisanya ngancurin kehidupan gue doang. tapiiiii akhirnya kita selalu nyatu lagi kok :D
yah well, kita bener2 gabisa dipisahin. yg gue seneng dari kita bertiga adalah kalo misalnya, syifa sebel sama gue, ntar dia bilang dia sebel sama gue trus ngasih tau alesannya dan ngasih solusi supaya gue berubah. begitu juga dengan syifa ke nadhira, nadhira ke syifa&gue dan gue ke mereka berdua. ya masih mending lah daripada jadi backstabber :-) yaudahlah pokoknya kita udah bener2 gabisa dipisahin.

hua I think I'm already miss you both. PNS gaakan bisa dipisahin pokoknya!! ME GUSTA NADHEY&SYIFA FOREVA <3<3

huah, mau nangis rasanya kita pisah semua :( distance separating us but distance can't separate our heart. we are one. we always are :D
happy reading! :")


Monday, June 11, 2012

untitled (4)

teman teman seperjuangan, setanah air dan sebangsa. gue mohooooon banget, siapapun kalian yang bisa bikin video kayak ini hubungin gue yaaaa, mention aja di twitter @patriciaft9 trus nanti gue dm-in nomor gue, dengan senang hati gue mau diajarin sama siapapun yg bisa bikin video kayak gitu. thanks bgt yaaa :D dan pliissss jangan pelitpelit bagi ilmu :) kenapa gue minta ajarin? karna nanti pas Chelsea dateng kesini, gue mau bikinin video buat mereka tonton, siapa tau mereka inget gue :) hehehehe makasihmakasihmakasihhhh :D



wha? wha? wha? good news before disaster strikes? okeeeey, itulah gunanya post ini dipublish-_- I want to share a good news....a very very very good news!!!! and what about the disaster? disaster yg gue maksud adalah pengumuman penerimaan masuk sma...dan gue sangat takut. okelah kita mulai aja ya!





this is the news..

I always pray that you can do your best for Chelsea FC and give us great histories to share and sweet victories to remember :-) God Bless you and keep up the great effort, DiMatteo! Remember that Chelsea fans always supporting you! Much love from us xx
Dear Roman Abramovich, thankyou because you opened your eyes and believing DiMatteo to take care your children. said thanks won't enough I think, so we'll always support you and Chelsea till we die. WE ARE CHELSEA!!!
dan gue mengedit foto DiMatteo loh.....HAHAHAHA kenapa gue suka bgt edit foto pelatih yg udah berbakti buat Chelsea ini ya..-_- cuma buat senang2 dan becandaan yaaa, gue gamaksud apa2-_- so this is it!
dan reaksi gue terhadap editan gue sendiri adalah................
okeee, segitu aja ya-_- happy reading! sorry for the long long long dots and the absurd edited photo!! XP